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due to

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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 due adj (needs to be paid, submitted, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 到期的 dào qī de   SCSimplified Chinese 该付的 dào qī de ,gāi fù de  This electric bill is due by the end of the month. Your dissertation is due by December 9.  这张电费账单到月底就该付了。你论文的到期日是12月9日。 due adj (scheduled to happen)SCSimplified Chinese 约定的 yuē dìng de TCTraditional Chinese 約定的   SCSimplified Chinese 预定应该发生的  The gas safety check is due next Monday.  下周一该做天然气安全检查了。 due to do [sth] adj (scheduled to undergo [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 到期该做…的  The car is due to get its oil changed.  车该换油了。 due to do [sth] adj + prep (expected, supposed to do [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 预计做 TCTraditional Chinese 預計做   SCSimplified Chinese 将要做 jiāng yào zuò  The minister is due to meet with his French counterpart this afternoon to discuss the current economic crisis.  大臣预计于今日下午会见法国方面的大臣,一同商讨当前所面临的经济危机。 due adj (expected)SCSimplified Chinese 预定应到的 yù dìng yìng dào de   SCSimplified Chinese 预定的 yù dìng yìng dào de ,yù dìng de TCTraditional Chinese 預定的  He was due home by six o'clock that evening.  那天晚上他本来是定在六点前到家的。 due to [sth] prep (caused by, because of)SCSimplified Chinese 因为 yīn wèi TCTraditional Chinese 因為   SCSimplified Chinese 由于 yīn wèi ,yóu yú  The game was delayed due to bad weather.  由于糟糕的天气,比赛被延期了。 due to [sth] adj + prep (owing to, because of [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 因为 yīn wèi TCTraditional Chinese 因為   SCSimplified Chinese 由于 yīn wèi ,yóu yú  His success is due to his careful attention to detail.  他之所以成功,是因为他非常注重细节。 due [sth] adj (owed [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 应得 yīng dé TCTraditional Chinese 應得   SCSimplified Chinese 被欠  Jack's due £300 rent from the lodger.  杰克被房客拖欠了300英镑的房租。 due for [sth] adj + prep (in need of [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 应该得到…的  I'm due for a vacation!  我应该得到一个假期! due adj (appropriate)SCSimplified Chinese 适当的 shì dàng de TCTraditional Chinese 適當的   SCSimplified Chinese 恰当的 shì dàng de ,qià dàng de TCTraditional Chinese 恰當的   SCSimplified Chinese 应有的   SCSimplified Chinese 合理的 shì dàng de ,hé lǐ de  Please give due attention to the rules and guidelines.  请给予这些规则与指导方针适当的关注。 due adj (expected to be born)SCSimplified Chinese 到预产期的   SCSimplified Chinese 该出生的  The baby is due at the end of this month.  这个月底就是宝宝的预产期了。 due adj informal (expected to give birth)SCSimplified Chinese 预期妊娠的,预产的 yù chǎn de  She is due at the end of July.  7月底是她的预产期。 due adv (exactly)SCSimplified Chinese 正对着(某个方向)地 zhèng duì zhe mǒu gè fāng xiàng de  The farm is due south of here.  那个农场就在这儿的正南方。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 dues npl (subscription fee)SCSimplified Chinese 订阅费   SCSimplified Chinese 会费 huì fèi  His monthly dues to the club are more than $200.  他每个月该给俱乐部缴纳的会费超过200美金。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 a due adv (music: in unison)SCSimplified Chinese 齐声 qí shēng   SCSimplified Chinese 一齐 qí shēng ,yì qí TCTraditional Chinese 一齊 amount due n (sum of money owed)SCSimplified Chinese 应付款 yìng fu kuǎn TCTraditional Chinese 應付款   SCSimplified Chinese 应缴款 yìng fu kuǎn,yìng jiǎo kuǎn TCTraditional Chinese 應繳款  The amount due is $45. credit where it's due, to give credit where it's due expr (expressing reluctant praise)SCSimplified Chinese 该赞扬还得赞扬,这点还是要承认  She wasn't the nicest boss, but credit where it's due, she did increase profits. due balance n (amount owed)SCSimplified Chinese 欠款金额,应付金额 due date n (deadline for payment)SCSimplified Chinese 支付日 zhī fù rì TCTraditional Chinese 給付日   SCSimplified Chinese (账单等的)到期日 zhī fù rì,zhàng dān děng de dào qī rì  The due date for the electric bill is 25th March.  电费付款截止日为3月25日。 due date n (deadline for work)SCSimplified Chinese 截止日期 jié zhǐ rì qī  The due date for delivering the finished project is 3 November. The due date for your essays is 10 May.  完成项目的截止日期是11月3日。//论文截止日为5月10日。 due date n (expected date of birth)SCSimplified Chinese 预产期 yù chǎn qī TCTraditional Chinese 預產期  Your due date is 24 weeks from today.  你的预产期为24周之后。 due diligence n (type of investment audit)SCSimplified Chinese 尽职调查 TCTraditional Chinese 盡職調查 备注: 尽职调查是指企业在并购时,买方企业对目标企业进行的经营现状调查 Due diligence is an audit of a planned financial investment.  尽职调查是对计划金融投资的审计。 due diligence n (law: reasonable steps) (法律)SCSimplified Chinese 合理步骤,合理措施  The caterers needed to prove due diligence in ensuring the safety of their food.  餐饮供应者需要证明他们在确保食品安全方面已采取合理措施。 due diligence n (careful evaluation)SCSimplified Chinese 尽职调查 TCTraditional Chinese 盡職調查 due for adj + prep (deserving or expecting)SCSimplified Chinese 应该得到 TCTraditional Chinese 應該得到   SCSimplified Chinese 预计一定会得到  Jim really is due for a raise soon. due for payment expr (to be paid now)SCSimplified Chinese 应付款的 yīng fù kuǎn de TCTraditional Chinese 應付款的   SCSimplified Chinese 欠款的 yīng fù kuǎn de,qiàn kuǎn de  Your insurance premium for this month is now due for payment.  您这个月的保险费该缴纳了。 due north adv (towards the north)SCSimplified Chinese 向正北方 xiàng zhèng běi fāng  Get on the highway and head due North. due north n (compass point: north)SCSimplified Chinese 正北 zhèng běi  A compass needle doesn't point to due north: it points to magnetic north. due out adj (scheduled for release)SCSimplified Chinese 待发售的,计划发售的  The new edition of the magazine is due out next week. due process, due process of law n (legal proceedings)SCSimplified Chinese 法定诉讼程序 fǎ dìng sù sòng chéng xù  If arrested, you have the right to due process. due process n (standard procedure)SCSimplified Chinese 标准程序 biāo zhǔn chéng xù TCTraditional Chinese 標準程序 fall due v expr (payment, etc.: become due)SCSimplified Chinese 到期 dào qī   SCSimplified Chinese 期满 dào qī ,qī mǎn TCTraditional Chinese 期滿 get your due v expr (get [sth] you are entitled to)SCSimplified Chinese 获得应得的回报  Fiona finally got her due when they raised her salary. get your due v expr slang (be punished)SCSimplified Chinese 自作自受  Simon got his due after the mafia finally found him. give [sb] his/her/their due v expr (give credit to)SCSimplified Chinese 承认 chéng rèn TCTraditional Chinese 承認   SCSimplified Chinese 认可 chéng rèn,rèn kě in due course adv (in normal run of events)SCSimplified Chinese 在适当的时候 zài shì dàng de shí hòu  You'll receive your promotion in due course: first you have to prove yourself.  在适当的时候你会升职的,不过首先你得先提升自己的能力。 in due course adv (after expected time) (预计之中)SCSimplified Chinese 在一定的时候  The effects of the drug will wear off in due course.  在一定的时候,药物的作用会逐渐消失。 in due form adv (correctly, properly)SCSimplified Chinese 正式地 zhèng shì de   SCSimplified Chinese 按规定地 zhèng shì de ,àn guī dìng de   SCSimplified Chinese 照例地 zhèng shì de ,zhào lì de in due time adv (eventually)SCSimplified Chinese 最终 zuì zhōng TCTraditional Chinese 最終  In due time, we will put all this behind us.  最终,我们会把这一切抛诸脑后。 past due, past-due adj (payment: overdue, late)SCSimplified Chinese 过期的 guò qī de TCTraditional Chinese 過期的 备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a noun Services will be reconnected when the past-due payment has been paid. past-due account n (unpaid debt)SCSimplified Chinese 过期帐款,逾期账款  The past-due account will be reported to all national credit bureaus. past-due bill n (notice of late payment)SCSimplified Chinese 过期票据 guò qī piào jù TCTraditional Chinese 過期票據   SCSimplified Chinese 过期帐单 guò qī piào jù ,guò qī zhàng dān  There was a mountain of past-due bills on the desk. with all due respect adv (despite my regard for you)SCSimplified Chinese 无意冒犯 wú yì mào fàn TCTraditional Chinese 無意冒犯  With all due respect, I couldn't disagree more. with due respect adv (with deserved esteem)SCSimplified Chinese 恕我直言 shù wǒ zhí yán   SCSimplified Chinese 冒昧地说一句 shù wǒ zhí yán,mào mèi de shuō yí jù  With due respect I have a different opinion.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 在这些条目还发现'due to': 在英文解释里: anomie - as a result of - because - by default - call - convulse - COVID pneumonia - economy of scale - edema - fermented - fire insurance - for lack of - frozen - get cold feet - hangry - have a lot to do with - have cold feet - ischemic - issue - language barrier - lie - linked to - little person - loss of speech - luckily - off sick - on account of - out of commission - out of necessity - owed - payable - play catch-up - pus - repossess - repossession - resulting from - shakeout - shotgun wedding - snow day - snow-blind - social class injustice - thanks to - thrive - trip - violent death - wear - weather - winterkill 在单词列表中: PET Vocabulary List - D, 更多……同义词: because of, caused by, owing to, down to, thanks to, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'due to' 的论坛讨论:

to be due Words of different meanings due to different tones 吐血 (to throw up blood due to emotional trauma) < accompanied by/due to > a rise - English Only forum < be sure to arrive> vs. < be due to arrive> - English Only forum " due to personal and family circumstances" - English Only forum ... brought to justice on/for/due to/because of - English Only forum ...the attempt to superficial resemblance as due to convergent evolution... - English Only forum ''Due to'' modifying which one? - English Only forum 'putting the increase down to' [= due to?] - English Only forum [Due to vs Simple present] - English Only forum a question with "to be due to" - English Only forum A throne, Adorn'd with due rites, stands you more in hand To see his person placed in - English Only forum according to vs due to - English Only forum according to vs. due to - English Only forum After = Due to / After = Despite ?? - English Only forum All we need to know and stand for is reality and due justice - English Only forum also due to a lack of - English Only forum An amount/amounts of (Title and thread content edited due to confusion) - English Only forum and to ensure that it is made - English Only forum any reason and circumstance / due to any reason and under any circumstance - English Only forum are due/expected to arrive - English Only forum As a result of / Due to / owing to + verb ing - English Only forum As due to - English Only forum As due to - English Only forum as much as due to - English Only forum as such due to - English Only forum As to - due to - English Only forum be to - English Only forum be due to - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'due to'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "due to" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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